Palm Cares
We feel that being socially responsible means positively impacting the communities where we work and live. In recent years, we have supported various organizations through volunteer initiatives and financial contributions. Some organizations that are closest to our hearts include the following:

Wounded Warrior Project is a veteran’s service organization that offers a variety of programs, service and events for wounded veterans of the military actions following the events of 9/11/2001

The Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County, CBNMC, is an independent, non-profit organization of businesses and individual professionals working together to support Catholic education in Montgomery County Maryland.

Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing
The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing is a nonprofit developer dedicated to developing, preserving, and owning quality housing that is affordable and enhances the Arlington County community.
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer.

The National Capital Golf Classic is a premier charity golf tournament in the Washington DC area and has raised over $3 million for the American Cancer Society. Our co-founder, Herb Palm, has served as a co-chair for the event for the past two years.

Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
Students come to Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School because they dream of going to college and deserve a great educational opportunity, despite having limited financial resources. Everyone participates in the Corporate Work Study Program where they gain professional work experience and earn money to pay for a portion of their education. Palm sponsors a Don Bosco Cristo Rey student who works with the Palm team throughout the school year.